Sharni and Carl’s Hollin Hall wedding
Sharni and Carl’s Wedding was at Hollin Hall in Bollington near Macclesfield in Cheshire was a really lovely wedding day and filled with emotion.
It is also a venue I have visted and worked at many times over the last 20 years .
It was the most colourful wedding with 7 bridesmaids all in 7 different colours , they all looked amazing .
I started with the brides preprations meeting an excited Sharni with all her bridesmaids, it was a total hive of activity.
When it came to the ceremony it started with an emotional groom as Sharni walked up the aisle, lots of tears from family members watching on and big smiles during the ceremony from the happy couple during the ring exchange.
Then came one of my luckiest decisions I have ever made over the last 20 years.
Having done so many weddings at Hollin Hall I decided to do something more interesting and creative , I took Sharni and Carl to a huge buttercup field.
The weather had been a mixture of sun then heavy showers all day ,
When we came out after the ceremony it sunny but clouding over slowly but sadly surely.
We got to the field quickly and captured some of my favorite images of this year.
then even more luckily a horse with a young foal ran into the background just to add something extra to the images.
The 2 horses seemed very inquisitive by our presence and just stood and watched.
then after just 10 mins as it became more cloudy I decided i would not ride our luck any more and head back.
As we got to the gate it started raining, as we got to Hollin Hall it was hammering down in one of those 2016 typical heavy showers that we have had this year.
Hollin hall had plenty of spots including there photogenic staircase for more images.
The speeches again were emotional, many heart felt thank you’s including Carl’s older sister who was clearly very proud of her little brother.
And of course lots of laughs at the Groom’s expense.
The day ended for me with some evening photography, fun images with the Seven Bidesmaids and the 1st dance with guests dancing the night away.
It was a great pleasure to help 2 such nice people on their special day.