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Rick Dell Photography - Charlotte and James’s E.Shoot

The Customers review.

Rick   I can not tell you how happy we are with the pictures , they are just perfect.

You are a very talented photographer and we are so happy we have picked you as our wedding photographer

thank you Charlotte and James.



Charlotte and James’s Engagement shoot at Formby Beach was great fun.

It was also a chance for some really creative photography and to make use of some really interesting light and particularly a sunset on the beach.

I have gone to Formby Beach many times as my brother Andy and his family have lived there for the last  18 years.

It was clear from the begining that Charlotte and James wanted to have some really fun  and romantic images and a chance to practice in front of the camera before their big day in August.

And looking at these images it is clear we achieved all are main aims on the day with images they can keep for ever and some happy memories that they can smile and enjoy.

For me it was certainly interesting getting into  the sea myself  [ well up to my knees ]  with my camera to capture some great images for a really great couple.

In the process we also got to know each other for the wedding day and we talked about the day and details of what they wanted  .134133132131130129128Wedding Photography Manchester - Charlotte and James's E.Shoot 1Wedding Photography Manchester - Charlotte and James's E.Shoot 2125123122121120118116115114113112111110108106105104103102101100
